2019 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong (USB) |
Source:DVD |
Folder 1 |
Worship |
1. Tsuen Wan Praise Assembly 荃灣敬拜會敬拜團隊 |
敬拜 |
2. Kingdom Worship Team 國度敬拜團隊 |
3. Shatin Cumberland Presbyterian Church Worship Team 金巴崙長老會沙田堂敬拜隊 |
4. Worship Team led by U- Fire Networks Ltd 燊火青年網絡帶領的敬拜團隊 |
Folder 2 |
Welcome & Prayer |
Dr. Ed & Mrs Ruth Silvoso 25 Years' Ministry of Celebration in Hong Kong |
歡迎及禱告 |
慶祝艾德、史福索博士及師母在香港的服侍25週年 |
Folder 3 |
Dr. Ed's Teaching |
1. Something New & Powerful - Celebrating the EKKLESIA Rising in Hong Kong
慶祝最新及最有力的事情 - EKKLESIA 正在香港興起 |
艾德、史福索博士教導 |
2. The Journey that Helps You to RADICALLY Change Your Sphere of Influence
幫助您徹底改變影響力範圍的一個旅程 |
3. How You Can Bring Down the Gates of Hades in Your Life and & The Life of Others |
你如何能夠在你及其他人的生活中拆毀陰間之門 |
4. How Can You Love That Which is Unlovable in Your Sphere of Infuence |
你怎能在你的影響範圍內去愛不可愛的東西 |
5. Word from Mrs. Ruth Silvoso & Blessing Prayer |
Honoring Pastors and their Wives to Become Powerful Leaders of EKKLESIAs at Home & in Ministry |
禱告祝福牧者、尊榮及感恩牧者及師母在家及以外的 EKKLESIA 服侍 |
6. Holy Communion Celebration - Like the New Testament EKKLESIA Did |
聖餐慶典像新約聖經初期教會的 EKKLESIA |
7. An Upper Room Personal Holy Spirit Baptism, Offering, Dedication & Commissioning |
聖靈傾倒的施洗、奉獻及差遣 |
Folder 4 |
見証 |
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation
2018 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong (DVD) |
Source:DVD |
Disk 1 |
EKKLESIA a Radical Proposition by Dr. Ed Silvoso |
hkHK90 Mins |
EKKLESIA 一個激進的主張 艾德、史福索博士 |
Disk 2 |
1. EKKLESIA - A Fuller Understanding of the Great Commission by Dr. Ed Silvoso |
EKKLESIA - 更整全地認識 Ekklesia 的大使命 艾德、史福索博士 |
87 Mins |
2. Response Speech by Rev. Li Ping Kwong of Past President The Methodist Church, Hong Kong |
回應信息 - 香港循道衛理聯合教會前會長李炳光牧師 |
Disk 3 |
1. EKKLESIA from Pulpit Ministry to the Marketplace by Pastor Wong Po Ling & Team |
從牧會到建立職場的 EKKLESIA 王寶玲牧師及團隊 |
65 Mins |
2. EKKLESIA from Pulpit Ministry to the Marketplace (Cont'd) by Pastor Wong Po Ling & Team |
從牧會到建立職場的 EKKLESIA (延續) 王寶玲牧師及團隊 |
Disk 4 |
1. EKKLESIA in the Home with Impartation by Dr. Ed Silvoso & Mrs. Ruth Silvoso |
EKKLESIA 在家中及恩膏傳遞 艾德、史福索博士及路得、史福索師母 |
2. Response Speech by Pastor Eddie Ma, Founder and Chairman of Incubators Ministries and Kingdom Family Church |
65 Mins |
回應信息 - 孵化箱事工及國度家庭教會創辦人及董事會主席馬健明牧師 |
Disk 5 |
1. A Fuller Understanding of Baptism of Nations by Dr. Ed Silvoso |
更整全地認識國家施洗 艾德、史福索博士 |
2. EKKLESIA in Education in a Primary School Ling Ying Public Primary School by Mr. Vincent Chu & Ms. Eunice Lee |
64 Mins |
EKKLESIA 在教育界 - 小學篇 嶺英公立學校朱國強校長及陳李佩瑤校董 |
Disk 6 |
1. A Fuller Understanding of the EKKLESIA's Social Agenda by Dr. Ed Silvoso |
更整全地認識 EKKLESIA 社會議題 艾德、史福索博士 |
2. EKKLESIA in Business by Ms. Theresa Lam, Deputy Head of Family Circle Care of |
64 Mins |
New World Construction Co.,Ltd & Mr. Y.K. Chan |
商界的典範 新世界建築有限公司愛家園關懷行動隊 林碧霞小姐及陳炎光先生 |
Disk 7 |
1. Holy Spirit Power for the EKKLESIA Lifestyle by Dr. Ed Silvoso |
認識聖靈的能力去活出 EKKLESIA 艾德、史福索博士 |
90 Mins |
2. Keys of the Kingdom Message by Pastor Wong Po Ling |
天國的鑰匙信息 王寶玲牧師 |
3. The Way Forward and Commissioning by Dr. Ed & Mrs. Ruth Silvoso & HK Transform Our World Team |
前面路向及差遣 艾德 . 史福索博士及路得∙史福索師母及香港轉化團隊 |
Disk 8 |
1. EKKLESIA in the Marketplace by Mr. Eddie Wu, Chairman of HK Aviation Christian Union & Team |
EKKLESIA 在職場 航空業基督徒聯盟主席 Eddie Wu 先生 及團隊 |
72 Mins |
2. EKKLESIA in Education in High School Campuses by Mr. Kelvin Lai, Chief Executive Director of Little Fire & Team |
EKKLESIA 在教育界 - 中學篇 小火子青年社群總幹事 黎耀恩先生及團隊 |
3. Generational Reconciliation by Ms. Barbara Chan, Dr. Ed & Mrs. Ruth Silvoso, Pastor Wong Po Ling & Representative of Four Generations |
世代復和 陳素嫻女士、史福索博士及路得∙史福索師母, 王寶玲牧師及四個世代
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation
EKKLESIA AUDIO BOOK (Unabridged 8 CDs) |
Source:DVD |
What are we missing?
In these vital, eye opening pages, best-selling author Ed Silvoso digs into Scripture, unearthing Jesus’ true design for His Church – His Ekklesia. He shows how the early Church was a radical, countercultural force of people who transformed the hostile, pagan places in which they lived. Here Dr. Silvoso shows how we, in the mist of the social, economic, political, and moral chaos in our world today, can once again become the revolutionary, transformational, life-giving Ekklesia Jesus called us to be.
Source:DVD |
This DVD, when used in conjunction with the EKKLESIA book and group guide, will help facilitate stimulating group conversations. Each of the 12 videos is 6-8 minutes long. In each one, Ed Silvoso offers an enthusiastic introduction to key concepts for that week’s study as well as encouragement for the journey.
Ideal for small groups at church, at home or in the workplace.
Transformation in the Silicon Valley |
Source:DVD |
Silicon Valley
There is no place like Silicon Valley anywhere in the world with the vast amount of intelligence, investment and high-tech business. In this DVD you’ll be introduced to examples of how seeds of Transformation are taking root in the Silicon Valley and across the San Francisco Bay Area. Prototypes such as Valley Christian Schools, the Cathedral of Faith, and the city of Vallejo will encourage and inspire you to take the power and the presence of God to your sphere of influence.
*WIth Traditional Chinese Subtitles
Transformation in Vallejo |
Source:DVD |
Over the past 20 years, Vallejo, a city north of San Francisco, has faced many struggles. More recently in 1996, the decommissioning of the Mare Island Naval Base left thousands without work and fueled economic and political discord. In 2008, Vallejo became the largest city in California to file for bankruptcy. Praise God, Pastors and Marketplace Ministers began to actively work to serve the Community. Signs of transformation can be seen in the city. Michael Brown’s transportation company is being used by God to spearhead transformation in Vallejo. This DVD contains: (1) Vallejo Transformation Story (2) the 5 Pivotal Paradigms for Nation Transformation and (3) a step-by-step “How To” teaching section by Ed Silvoso.
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles
Transformation in Brantford, Canada |
Source:DVD |
Brantford, Canada
Brantford, situated one hour west of Toronto, Canada was once a hub of industrialization and commerce. Then recession hit in 1994 leaving it a desolate, depressed city, a place of despair, rejection and hopelessness. Then business, government, education and the Church started working together and that all changed. So much so that public baptisms are held in the downtown square and the national government has recognized Brantford as “the kindest city in Canada.” This DVD shows how much a city can change when pastors decide to take the Kingdom of God to the public square.
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles
Transformation in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico – Part 3 |
Source:DVD |
Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Nation transformation is a journey that starts when a man or a woman has an encounter with God about his or her city. Transformation begins with them and then begins a process into the city. Once held hostage to violence and corruption by drug lords and cartels, today, Ciudad Juarez is experiencing a renewal so dramatic that it is no longer the world’s most dangerous city. As the streets of Juarez have been reclaimed, laughter can once again be heard in the parks and open spaces. Families are now able to enjoy an outdoor lifestyle that had been stolen by cartel violence. How did this transformation begin? With prayer. And these prayers are being answered …
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles
Transformation in the Marketplace – Transformation in Hong Kong DVD |
Source:DVD |
Transformation in Hong Kong
Hong Kong will be God’s Hong Kong! God is transforming Hong Kong. Watch this DVD and see Marketplace Christians ministering as if they are pastors and Pastors leading their churches into the community to minister and to make an impact. God is doing an amazing work empowering Christians to take the Kingdom of God into every sphere of influence by walking in Prayer Evangelism and the 5 Pivotal Paradigms for Transformation. Watch the How To Teaching of Ed Silvoso as he teaches extensively from what is happening in this city to show that you also can find your personal inception point for transformation.
This DVD contains:
1. Hong Kong Transformation Story
2. A step by step How To Teaching section by Ed Silvoso
3. Teaching on the 5 Pivotal Paradigms for Transformation
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles
Transformation in the Marketplace – Transformation in Sentul City DVD |
Source:DVD |
Sentul City DVD
Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world, and the largest Muslim nation. Just south of Jakarta a 30,000-hectare development known as Sentul City is fast becoming a prototype for city transformation. The leaders of Sentul, a public listed company, signed an anti-corruption pledge to make Sentul into a corruption-free zone in Indonesia. Through Church and marketplace leaders working together to specifically target systemic poverty, impoverished communities are transformed.
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles
Transformation in the Marketplace – Transformational Children: Young People Changing their Schools DVD |
Source:DVD |
TRANSFORMATIONAL CHILDREN – Young people changing their schools
Every day millions of young people around the world attend schools, colleges and universities. Who will reach them if we don’t train and equip young people to bring transformation in their own sphere of influence?
When Lisa and Miguel Sanchez and their boys – Brenden, Micah and Garrett – began to walk out the principles of prayer evangelism on a daily basis, God used them in a powerful way to impact the boys’ school. In the space of just one year, 26 children, parents and relatives gave their lives to the Lord.
This DVD includes:
1. The remarkable transformation story of what God can do through young children living out transformation principles
2. The 5 Pivotal Paradigms for Nation Transformation
3. A step-by-step “How-To” teaching section by Ed Silvoso
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles
Transformation in the Marketplace - Transformation In Newark, New Jersey DVD |
Source:DVD |
In 1666 a covenant was made, and the city of Newark, New Jersey was dedicated to be “As nearly as possible a kingdom of God on earth.” In 1996 Money Magazine ranked Newark “The most dangerous city in America.” However, God has not forgotten his covenant and He is taking Newark back – one street at a time. This DVD chronicles the story of the PrayForNewark Adopt-A-Street initiative, a grassroots movement of ordinary individuals, church congregations and businesses that aim to have every one of Newark’s 900 streets, and the people that live there, prayed for on a daily basis.
This is an incredible story about the power of prayer.
The DVD includes:
1. The Transformation Story
2. The 5 Pivotal Paradigms for Nation Transformation
3. A step-by-step “How-To” teaching section by Ed Silvoso
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles
Transformation in the Marketplace - Transformation in Phuket, Thailand DVD |
Source:DVD |
On 26 December 2004, the Tsunami hit. God turned disaster into His opportunity. Pastor Brian Burton, was greatly used by God in compassion relief, and reconstruction.
Miracle upon miracle showed the hand of God. The King of Thailand awarded Pastor Burton with an award of great honour.
The Provincial Mayor, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, hotel owners, Burmese fishermen, men and women from all walks of life came to Christ and embraced prayer evangelism as a lifestyle. Walking in transformation, and daily they are claiming the marketplace of God.
This DVD contains:
1. Phuket Transformation Story
2. The 5 Pivotal Paradigms for Nation Transformation and
3. A step-by-step “How-To” teaching section by Ed Silvoso
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles |
Transformation in the Marketplace - Transformation in PARAÑAQUE CITY & the PHILIPPINES DVD |
Source:DVD |
This DVD contains two transformation stories: One tells of transformation in a ciity and the other shows how the principles of the 5 PIVOTAL PARADIGMS are beginning to sweep across the nation of the Philippines.
1. PARAÑAQUE City: was once scorned as the underdog and known for corruption and poor management, but today this city has been transformed as the leaders have publically declared Parañaque a city dedicated to God.
2. Stories of transformation of: a taxi driver, ex-prostitutes, government officials, business and military leaders who turned to Christ, and are using their positions of influence to transform their communities and their nation.
3. Teaching by Ed Silvoso on 5 PIVOTAL PARADIGMS and step-by-step “How-To” teaching.
DVD includes
The transformation stories, 5 Pivotal Paradigms for Nation Transformation, and a step-by-step “How-To” teaching section by Ed Silvoso.
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles |
Transformation in the Marketplace–4 Stories DVD |
Source:DVD |
An In-Depth Look at Transformation!
Olmos Prison
The unbelievable but true story of how a prison that was once run by the church of Satan has been transformed into one of the most powerful Christian churches in Argentina. An eye-opening testimonial of how the power of God can fully restore criminals, their families, and even a corrupt system. This will infuse you with hope!
Elk River – God’s City
Witness how a partnership between pulpit and marketplace ministers has changed the spiritual climate of a city in Minnesota by bringing the presence and power of God into all parts of the marketplace. Learn how prayer, faith, and the exercise of authority can transform an entire city.
Transformation Hawaii
Witness the radical move of God in the islands of Hawaii as business, schools, and communities are being transformed through prayer evangelism. It all began with simple but bold obedience and a daring declaration that Hawaii belongs to Jesus. Profoundly inspiring.
The Power of One
The remarkable story of how one man’s understanding of what it means to be anointed for business and his subsequent obedience led to the divine re-purposing of his companies as well as the launching of a worldwide prayer movement
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles
Marketplace Transformation Teaching -10 teachings for Small Group Discussion with Ed Silvoso and Rick Heeren DVD |
Source:DVD |
The 10 Teaching Topics Are:
Confessions of a Businessman
Jesus, the Disciples and the Marketplace
The God of Business
God loves Bill Gates, Too
Reconciliation in the Marketplace
The Kingdom, the Church and the Marketplace
The 5 Pivotal Paradigms
Prayer Evangelism
Extraordinary Miracles
Imaging Transformation
Each teaching is 5 minutes long with 10 minutes of testimonies of people from the USA and from HK showing that transformation is possible. Each session is about 15 minutes long.
*With Traditional Chinese Subtitles |
2017 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong – Conference DVD |
Source:DVD |
Plenary Sessions with TEACHINGS BY DR. ED SILVOSO highlighted by powerful testimonies.
· Strongholds: What They Are are How to Pull Them Down with testimonies and
· How we can Minister as EKKLESIA in the Home - How to build EKKLESIA
Groups to Minister in the Marketplace
· Holy Spirit Power for EKKLESIA Lifestyle
· Ekklesia in the Home
· Ekklesia in the Marketplace
Testimonies by:
Mr. Darryl Yim
Ms. Camellia Chan
Mr. Stephen Wong
Mr. Eddie Wu
Ms. Rennie Wong & Ms. Jenny Lam
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation
2017 Transform Our World Pastors’ Conference |
Source:DVD |
Dr. Ed Silvoso
Pastor Cal Chinen
Dr. Ed SIlvoso & Mrs. Ruth Silvoso - Ekklesia A Radical Proposition
Pastor Cal Chinen - Ekklesia Start from the Home
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation
2016 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong – Conference DVD |
Source:DVD |
Plenary Sessions with TEACHINGS BY DR. ED SILVOSO highlighted by powerful testimonies.
· Ekklesia into the Marketplace, Sphere of Influence – Pastor Wong Po Ling &
· Transformation through Ekklesia - Transformation Vallejo · Transformation
through EKKLESIA – Mr. Michael Brown and Ps Anthony Summers
· How to Raise Children to be Transformational
· Transformation through EKKLESIA – T.K.L. Ling Ying P. P. School
· Transformation through EKKLESIA in Tsz Wong District
· Transformation Testimony in Airline Industry
4 workshops are also included.
· Transformation Vallejo through Partnership of Pastors, Michael’s
Transportation Company and Marketplace Ministries (Part 1)
· Transformation Vallejo through Partnership of Pastors, Michael’s
Transportation Company and Marketplace Ministries (Part 2)
· Michaels’s Transportation – A Kingdom Business that addresses the Cause of
Systematic Poverty
· Ekklesia in Practice from the Perspective of a Pastor
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation
2015 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong – Conference DVD |
Source:DVD |
Plenary Sessions with TEACHINGS BY DR. ED SILVOSO highlighted by powerful testimonies.
· Newark Testimony
· Ekklesia – through Kingdom Business 1 & 2 Testimonies of 3 Kingdom
· Ekklesia into the Marketplace, Spheres of Influence & The Community 1 & 2
4 workshops are also included.
· “The Spirit of Adoption” explained from Biblical texts to show its Power and
Application for Transformation
· “Adopt a Street” its Principles & Practice
· Ekklesia - Kingdom Business as a Vehicle for Ekklesia
· Ekklesia – transforming the City with Government, Business and Education
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation
2015 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong – “Spirit of Adoption” & “Adopt a Street” |
Source:DVD |
Dr. Lloyd Turner & Mrs. Joanne Turner
A marketplace Christian who has a passion for spiritual history. His professional background is in higher education and IT project management. Lloyd and his wife Joanne, as Co-Founder of the Pray for Newark initiative, have provided great impetus to the Adopt Your Street movement, Lloyd has authored Highways of Holiness and The Street Adopter’s Handbook.
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation
2015 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong – Transformational Education |
Source:DVD |
Moderator: Mrs. Eunice Lee Chan
Testimonies by various speakers
Transformational Education is a huge topic. in this workshop, Mrs. Eunice Lee as Moderator shared the principles of Transformation highlighting its different aspects with many testimonies:
1. Moderator, Mrs. Eunice Lee, shares Principles of Transformation
2. Testimony of Superintendent of T.K.L. Ling Ying P.P. School
3. Testimony of Mr. Vincent Chu Principle of T.K.L. Ling Ying P.P. School
4. Testimony of Ms. Ida Mok Principle of Kindergarten
5. Testimony of Ms. Vivian Leung of Primary Teacher
6. Testimony of Ms. Susanna Chan of Primary Pastor
7. Testimony of Ms. Eugenia Cheung of Parent
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation
2014 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong – Envisioning with God |
Source:DVD |
Dr. Francis Oda
Dr. Pastor Francis Oda, Architect, businessman and academic will share his decades long practice of spending time with God to envision with Him to receive God’s plans and strategies for his business, his architectural designs, and his ministry and thereby building a strong relationship with God as well as walking daily in the leading and plans of God. God is now giving him plans and design to transform two major cities and a large region in Indonesia. God also gave him plans for rebuilding Tahiti and his plans won the prize against all odds. Learn this valuable discipline through this DVD!
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation
2013 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong Plenary Sessions DVD |
Source:DVD |
2013 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong Plenary Sessions DVD
With teaching by Dr. Ed Silvoso highlighted by Testimonies of International and Hong Kong Faculty Members.
Teaching include:
Transformation Paradigms & Principles,
Faith to Harvest through Transformation - Harvesting an influential mega church of thousands from a church of 43 members,
Faith to Harvest through Transformation - Extending ministry and influence beyond the church, the district to the Marketplace through Transformation,
The Church and the Kingdom of God,
From Pastoring a Church to Bringing the Kingdom of God to the City,
Transformation Journey - from That None Should Perish, to Prayer Evangelism, to Anointed for Business, to Transformation,
Transformation Journey of a District Pastors' Network,
Transformation is Here ... to develop and grow!
Highlights of Transformation.
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation |
2012 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong Plenary Sessions DVD |
Source:DVD |
2012 Transform Our World Conference Hong Kong Plenary Sessions DVD
With teaching by Dr. Ed Silvoso highlighted by Testimonies of International and Hong Kong Faculty Members.
Teaching include:
Foundations for Transformation;
Redemption of the Marketplace;
The Banks of the River – 5 Pivotal Paradigms & Prayer Evangelism;
The Nature and Power of Prototypes: Finding Your Point of Inception;
Applying the Banks;
Redemptive Role of Wealth;
Giving Companies and Elimination of Poverty;
The Way Forward;
Despising Your Life for the Sake of Your City;
*With Cantonese Chinese interpretation |